The Missing Composites

Hoxie High School


Our school has always taken pride in showcasing the achievements of our seniors through composite photos displayed in the hallway. These photos serve as a lasting tribute of the hard work, dedication, and success of our seniors. However, with the recent installation of taller lockers in the hallway, we faced an unexpected problem: the lockers are now blocking the space where these composites were traditionally displayed. The superintendent’s suggestion was quickly embraced, and plans were set in motion to digitize the images. The task required the expertise of students skilled in technology, and Dakota Heikes and Marriah Settles were chosen to lead the project. Dakota Heikes and Marriah Settles were chosen to lead the project. To begin the process, Dakota and Marriah used a 24-inch scanner to capture each composite photo. The scanner allowed them to create high-quality digital images, preserving even the smallest details. Some of the composites required extra editing due to imperfections, such as creases or fading, and Photoshop provided the necessary tools to restore and enhance these photos. Once the digitization process is complete, the next step is displaying the composites in a way that makes them accessible to the school community. Instead of displaying the physical prints in the hallway, the photos will be shown digitally. Our athletic director will facilitate the display of the digitized composites on a large TV screen in the main gym lobby. The TV will rotate through the images, allowing visitors to easily view the composites of all seniors. Furthermore, the digital format allows for the possibility of showcasing the composites on other platforms, such as the school’s website or social media pages, making it easier for alumni and parents to view them, even if they are not able to visit the school in person. Thanks to Dakota, Marriah, our athletic director, and the superintendent, we are able to continue honoring the achievements of our seniors in a modern and accessible way. The digital display of the composites will not only maintain the tradition but will also bring a new level of engagement and visibility to our school’s athletic accomplishments. This project has allowed us to maintain a beloved tradition and to do so in a way that is forward-thinking and sustainable.