Three weeks ago, Jeff Vire, manager of Buddy’s Furnishings was looking for help with producing a commercial. He spoke to Hannah Hatchett of the Johnson County Chamber of Commerce, who recommended EAST at Lamar High School. After talking to our facilitator, Mr. Little, Mr. Vire wanted to meet with the students to discuss the commercial. Mr. Vire, Victoria, and Cyler collaborated to develop a script for a one-minute commercial. During our initial visit we collect “B-roll” footage using a DSLR camera, gimbal, and a drone. Later the group returned to record the scripted parts of the commercial. With Jeremy running the camera and Alex using the audio recorder to record voice-over parts. We will edit the footage in Adobe Premier Pro and expect it to be finished in about two weeks.
When discussing the project, Victoria described the project as, “A challenge at first because we had to define everyone’s role, but once organized we were able to make some real progress.” When asked about his growth through the project, Cyler said, “I have learned the importance of getting organized and planning ahead before jumping into a project.”