Learning ArcGIS Desktop Online (ESRI Virtual Campus)

You must login to register for training sessions.

These courses are part of the ESRI Virtual Campus.
These are free to EAST programs.
Students have access to all of the courses without an access code.
To access, students must have an account that is a part of your organizational level account at My. ESRI.com. If you don't have an account at the organizational level (you don't have full access to manage the organizational account e.g. Organize Transactions, Edit Org Details, detailed permissions under each user ) contact TSG.
Once a student is a member of your org, find their account and click the pencil (edit) tool to the right of their account and towards the bottom of the options make certain "Access e-Learning" is enabled.
They now can log on to the training portion of ESRI. After logging on click here to go to ESRI's Virtual Campus, find your course and go!
Here is a link to the details  
Unlimited student registration

ESRI Mon, Aug 29, 2016 - Fri, May 19, 2017 8:45 AM - 3:30 PM Main Room On-Line Training Online, AR

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